Straddling the Fence is not for us:
Mehrwerk goes over it.
Those who develop solutions for their customers that break new ground must not stop when new terrain begins. Find out which boundaries Mehrwerk is breaking.
Europe's leading developer
for data-based value-added services
Mehrwerk creates double added value: emotional and economic. As a leading specialist for data-based value-added services, we transform low-interest products (commodities) into sought-after solutions with higher margins and/or capitalize on ordinary end-customer transactions with exceptional value-added services. Our business partners thus benefit from recurring sales growth and permanently higher customer loyalty. We guarantee these results. They are measurable, have a lasting effect and form the basis for our success-based fee. Our headquarters are in Bielefeld. But our idea is making waves: with additional locations in Hamburg, Copenhagen, Oslo and Stockholm.
Mehrwerk brings added value
to the world.
More and more companies in high-volume commodity markets around the world are looking for solutions to optimize their earnings situation. And they find them with us.
Redefining boundaries,
Turning interactions into successes
Redefining boundaries:
That is our vision.
As a European martech pioneer, we are redefining the boundaries of marketing technology. We use innovative, data-based marketing tools to create customized value-added services. This is how we solve the conflicting goals of our clients between higher pricing and more intensive customer loyalty.
Turning interactions into measurable success: That is our mission.
Our job is to turn every interaction between client and end customer into an opportunity for growth. Our results are measurable, our concepts sustainable and our fees performance-based. Every day, we work hard to ensure that our clients achieve extraordinary emotional and economic results.

Innovative value-added solutions:
not only our customers find this excellent.
It's not just your gut feeling that tells you whether you're on the right track. It's also feedback from the industry, the trade press and customers. And we already have quite a few for the gallery...
More togetherness, more future, more you, more us:
Welcome to the Mehrwerk world

"Measurable success, and in the long term.
We deliver on this promise."
Frank Hippen
Managing Partner and
owner of the Mehrwerk Group
Three questions
to Frank.
Frank Hippen, Managing Partner and owner of the Mehrwerk Group,
on the idea of Mehrwerk and the queen of the savannah
"Frank, adding another goodie to a service - isn't that actually trivial?"
It looks that way at first glance, doesn't it? But in reality, it only works if this goodie, i.e. this added value, really "fits". This means that it really has to meet a need and be relevant to the end customer. We have to ensure this when we develop a value-added solution. And you can't do that by coming up with something funny. We can do it because, as a data-driven martech pioneer, we use a unique combination of cutting-edge marketing technologies on the one hand and comprehensive real-time data analysis on the other. This is how we come up with solutions that are tailored to specific industries and locations.
"Let's assume such a solution has been developed: What risk do Mehrwerk customers take when they implement this solution?"
None at all. That sounds strange, but because we use the aforementioned tools in our VAS development, we are always relevant and can't be wrong. We can look our customers in the face and say: this is our solution, we'll give it to you, we'll make sure it's implemented for you, we'll also take care of all the handling, and because we're paid purely on a performance basis, we won't earn a single cent until you're successful with it. Our clients create new product experiences. End customers reward this in two ways: with loyalty and a willingness to pay higher prices. And we benefit from this growth. And that works extremely well.
"Last question: what's that golden giraffe doing in the Mehrwerk office?"
Oh yes, the giraffe. The "queen of the savannah". Sees more than others, has the perfect overview and reaches heights that others do not. That impresses us, which is why she is our mascot. But why the team called her "Franky" remains a mystery to me ... (laughs)
Facts & Figures:
Numbers that count.

More at home:
the Mehrwerk locations.
Our home is right in the center of Bielefeld, at the Lenkwerk. Here, in the heart of the city, we make people happy, combine creative freedom with an innovative working environment and thus create the perfect place for inspiring ideas and successful collaboration.
Come by and see our inspiring home for yourself.
Customer? Partner? Team member?
The Mehrwerk team
is looking forward to meeting you!
Do you want to stand out from the competition?
Then let's talk about how we can help you make your products stand out from the crowd, strengthen your customer loyalty and increase your profits.
Do you need more B2B2C reach?
Then contact us: we give you access to a network of 15 million households in Europe. Together, we will increase your reach and give your offer lasting visibility.
Would you like to do more with us?
Then BE DIFFERENT: We are a company that pushes boundaries and likes to break new ground. If you feel the same way, then get in touch with us: let's shape your future together!