Sparkassen Webtalk #3|23 - "How the NPS delivers great added value for savings banks (and how it doesn't)!"
Have you ever heard of the Net Promoter Score (NPS)?
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"Getting closer to our customers through first-class quality" - Mr. Blessing reports that this wish was the trigger for the introduction of a new method for measuring customer satisfaction and is now one of Sparkasse Osnabrück's six target figures alongside the strategic corporate goal of willingness to recommend the bank to others.
Sparkasse Osnabrück has been using the NPs for 8 proud years now and applies it across all hierarchical levels and operating units right up to the Management Board. In cooperation with the MUUUH! Group, the consulting company responsible for the telephone interviews, 60 interviews per year are conducted per operating unit in a rolling procedure with 5 new interviews per unit every month (first in first out procedure). During the interviews, customers are asked about their experiences with the GiroLive account world in order to determine their willingness to recommend it to others. A scale of 1-10 indicates satisfaction and is an important indicator for Sparkasse Osnabrück in terms of customer loyalty. Blessing and his colleagues ensure maximum topicality through the chosen rhythm and at the same time form the basis for calculating the NPS. The results of the interviews are then automatically delivered to the advisors and managers on a weekly basis so that they can react to them immediately.
For answers with an NPS below 7 points, advisors receive the results within 24 hours and then have four working days to discuss the relevant facts with the customer. Conversely, positive interview results with 8-10 points can be used immediately to make an offer, for example to sell additional services. In this context, Blessing emphasizes the importance of evaluating and interpreting the interview results in order to be able to derive meaningful measures for action in the next step.
When implementing new measures, the question of costs naturally also arises, and not only in the world of the savings banks financial group. This also arises from the lively discussion in which the webinar participants put questions to Mr. Blessing and Dr. Claudio Felten. Blessing then mentions the number of interviews as the biggest cost driver. The basis of the data selection is also put up for discussion. Mr. Blessing then explains that the responsible service provider draws the customers at random, regardless of whether there has already been a touchpoint. As a rule, a customer is surveyed a maximum of once a year, which results in a total of two thirds of already advised customers and one third of non-consulted customers in the data set.
"We have a clear guard rail system," concludes Mr. Blessing. This stipulates that the results of the interviews only end up with the responsible consultant and the direct manager. He emphasizes that the NPS is by no means used as a control medium, but rather for corporate development. In principle, however, the works council is played with open cards, as it must of course ultimately support the method. And the importance of the results for reflecting on and improving customer service, sales and external image is one of the biggest arguments in favor of the NPS survey. The right approach not only increases customer loyalty and positive perception, but also sales per customer. For this reason, the NPS survey can be warmly recommended to everyone.