Sparkassen Webtalk #3|23 - "How the NPS delivers great added value for savings banks (and how it doesn't)!"
Have you ever heard of the Net Promoter Score (NPS)?
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Marc gave us a brief outline of how "das Echte", a new account strategy, has found its way into Sparkasse Dortmund. The portal is at the heart of the extensive Beyond Banking offering - customers have access to services that are primarily linked to the new account models "Echt" - "Echt stark" - "Echt spitze". Alex introduced us to the services that enhance the current account for customers and make it truly incomparable. You can find out more about how a Beyond Banking offer is developed, how it is introduced and how this offer affects the entire Sparkasse at our Webtalkt #2 - Schöne neue Kontowelt on May 25, 2023 (tip: register right here)
But can a Beyond Banking portal like "das-Echte" be successful in parallel to the customer contact machine of a savings bank - the Internet branch? Only if the gap between the two worlds of IF and "das-Echte" can be easily bridged. Holger introduced us to the new "IF-Bridge" solution. We experienced live how the IF of Sparkasse Dortmund is elegantly and easily connected to the "das-Echte" portal. With the IF-Bridge, a customer registered in banking is transferred to the portal without having to register or log in again. The best thing about it is that the IF-Bridge uses completely standard technology and is supported by Finanz Informatik. This not only ensures the security and compatibility of IF-Bridge with IF and OSPlus, it also guarantees the future viability of the solution.
We had an exciting exchange with our participants. We took up and discussed questions via the webtalk chat. Even after the webtalk ended, we continued to exchange ideas with interested participants. We very much hope that we will continue to receive new ideas and suggestions on the topic.
Would you like to know more about the IF-Bridge and talk to us about how this bridge also works for a portal you offer with the IF? Are you considering introducing individual value-added services or a complete value-added strategy in your company? Then we look forward to your call or e-mail.