The event kicked off on September 27, 2023 with a warm welcome to all the savings banks in attendance and a brief report on news from the Mehrwerk Group and its own positioning within the S-Finanzgruppe. Katharina Nimser from Sparkasse Dortmund and Janine Kunz from Mehrwerk then introduced the topic of "Real change!", highlighting change processes in the customer journey with regard to motivation and collaboration as well as lessons learned from change processes. A definitely successful start that whetted the appetite for more.
The evening was rounded off with an entertaining and amusing pub quiz, including discussions and live music over a well-earned after-work drink. In addition to exchanging experiences, the main focus was on getting to know the various participating savings bank representatives. A few relaxing hours were spent in a relaxed and convivial atmosphere.
Rested and full of motivation, the actual event started the following day, 28.09.2023. Packed with plenty of practice-oriented presentations from the savings banks in attendance, insights into exciting topics such as the use of AI, data analysis, transformation processes, a discussion on the topic of "value-added programs vs. payback", the "Ruuky success story" and much more, it was an entertaining day full of new input. The content-laden program was broken up by interactive working coffee breaks and visits to the lovingly themed stands of the individual Mehrwerk teams. To round off the day, psychologist Dr. Nico Rose gave a talk on the topic of "Positive psychology in the savings bank" and answered questions on how employees and customers can best embrace change and why trusting relationships, a focus on strengths and a sense of purpose are the keys to corporate success.
With countless positive impressions and new impulses in their luggage, the participants then made their way back home. Just a few hours later, we received the first praise for the event - one more reason to go one better next year. Stay tuned, we will announce the exact date of S-Fari 2025 and all important information about tickets etc. as soon as possible!
Have we piqued your interest in the content of the event? Feel free to contact us at and we will send you all the presentations, discussion summaries and photos!
To stay in safari-speak: Kwa herini and hopefully see you very soon!